Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thank you Neil Armstrong and so many others

42 years ago , 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. I was happy, excited and filled with envy.
I remembered John Glenn in space but this was to the moon. Another planet so far away yet so close.

As a child, there was a rumor that children would be abducted by aliens at a particular day and time. I sat on the curb of my sidewalk in front of my house right under the streetlight so the aliens would see me. I did my homework and ate there. Too my knowledge it never happened.

In grade school, my friend Linda Sankey and I did a project for the science fair on Iron Eagles. Putting together the model of the old green dog fighter was not easy. There  were no computers then so research was done by reading books.

My first plane ride was as an adult . I was scared  yet filled with awe and happiness.

I took an aviation course in college. Like  a learner's permit course for cars. Passed the course but didn't pass the FAA test. At least I tried to follow in that footstep.

Hopefully NASA and the USA will manage to to revamp the space program and get back in space.There's a whole universe out there to explore.Dreams of space flight and exploration of  little girls such as  I once was  ( and boys) should not be stifled. It should be supported . How can that be if there is no space program?


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