Saturday, October 22, 2011



Santa Claus seems to be the only one who may or may not wrap presents, but everyone else , to my knowledge, wraps their presents to give out.

Wrapping paper can be expensive. There are ways to wrap without the expense.

1. Freecycle   Some people give away wrapping paper right after the holidays or , in my friend's case, moving. She didn't want the paper. I took it.

2. Use newspaper or the comics.

3. Use old magazines or junk mail.

4. Use wallpaper. 

5. Use recycled paper even paper bags.

6. Have children draw on paper. Use their handmade wrapping paper.

7. Sew a tote bag and use that as a gift bag.

8. Can't sew? Use a pillowcase.

9. Use a box from a super market. Decorate it.

10. Use super market plastic bags. One year I gave everyone on my list  their gifts in those bags.

11. Got branches in your yard? Tie some together to make a box. 

12. Use an empty juice box like Capri Sun or a cereal box. Last year I used red and white striped wallpaper to cover the large juice boxes. They came out so good. I kept one to store all my rulers in.

13. Cigar boxes , if you still smoke. A few years ago I did smoke cigars.( Surprised?)  I don't smoke anymore. I kept the boxes for myself.

14. Piece of fabric tied with a bow.

15. Knit a bag or wrap the gift entirely in yarn.

16. Knit a plastic bag with  strips of supermarket plastic bags. Makes a sturdy bag.

So as you see wrapping doesn't have to be expensive. You can save money this way.

Hope you enjoyed these helpful holiday hints.

Until next time. 


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