Tuesday, December 13, 2011


CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR 2012 by Lois Valentin

With all the moving I have done in the past few years and the terrible weather complete with power outages combined with a nasty economy with an even nastier income, Christmas 2011 will not be as I had hoped.

Even though I have stated that this will be my last Christmas, I thought about the recipients of any gifts I would have intended to buy for next year. So... a solution for Christmas 2012 came into play at a local thrift store.

In the free shelf high atop everything else was some red and white plush fabric. Actually it was a Christmas stocking that had its seams ripped open. It seems like no one wanted to sew it and out it went. My luck.

I washed, dried and sewed the seams. Put the white top back on . Now I have a super large 44 inch Christmas stocking. It's 17 inches wide.  it's going to be hung in my office/  Grammie Lois's office year round. Now anytime I find a gift for someone, whether from recycle, freecycle, thrift store, yard sale, retail store, whatever,  the gift  will go right into the stocking.. I might even wrap them . Then when Christmas 2012 rolls around, the bag will be full.. Will I be done ? Who knows?  But I will be way ahead of the game.

Soon it will be Christmas 2011. I hope that your holiday season is filled with joy, peace, good health and prosperity.

Don't forget to leave the cookies and milk out for Santa, the carrots for the reindeer and a birthday present for Jesus.

  Grammie Lois

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Everyone has seen some parts of my artistic and creative nature. But no one has seen the research I have done in genealogy during these past 4 decades.  I have a 34 page surname summary that I have managed to shrink to 11 pages. It basically states the surname, how many of each and some have dates.It is a list of my family tree and  branches , etc. Hopefully you will be able to read the list.

Until next time,

Lois’s Surname Summary Produced by Legacy as of Sept. 2011-  11 pages 1917 surnames
Name Qty Date Range
1 No Surname 325 1513 - 1970,  2 (EASTMAN) HARVEY 1 1830, 3 (UNKNOWN) 1 1970
4 ? 1 1764, 5 ABBOTT 139 1600 - 1999, 6 ABERNATHY 1 None, 7 ACIE 2 1593
8 ACIE/ ACY 1 1632, 9 ADAMS 57 1629 - 1922, 10 ADDINGTON-ADDITION 1 1754
11 AIRY 1 None, 12 AITKEN 1 None, 13 AKERLEY 1 None, 14 AKERS 3 1693 - 1718
15 ALABASTER 1 None, 16 ALBE 1 None, 17 ALCOCK 1 1612, 18 ALDEN 58 1599 - 1838
19 ALDRICH 1 None, 20 ALEXANDER 3 None, 21 ALGER 1 None, 22 ALLARD 1 None,
23 ALLEN 27 1588 - 1885, 24 ALLEY 1 None, 25 ALLISON 1 None, 26 ALMOND 1 None,
27 ALMY 1 None, 28 ALTIERI 4 1962, 29 ALTON 5 17 - 1735, 30 ALVAREZ 1 None,
31 AMBURGEE 1 None, 32 AMES 45 1703 - 1880, 33 AMES OR EAMES 1 1876,
34 AMES/EAMES 25 1639 - 1793, 35 ANDERSON 12 175 - 1768,
36 ANDERSON OR HANSO~  None, 37 ANDREWS 6 1790 - 1881, 38 ANGSTAD 2 1729,
39 ANSCHUTZ 1 None, 40 ANTER 1 1620, 41 ANTHONY 1 None, 42 ANTRIM 1 None.
43 APPLEBEE 1 1840, 44 ARCHER 1 None, 45 ARGABRIGHT 1 1861,
46 ARMBRISTER 1 None, 47 ARMISTEAD 4 None, 48 ARMSTRONG 1 None,
49 ARNDT 1 1946, 50 ARTHUR 1 None, 51 ASHWORTH 2 1877, 52 ASTWELL 1 None,
53 ATKINS 2 1710, 54 ATKINSON 22 1640 - 1771, 55 ATWOOD 34 1651 - 1856,
56 AUSTIN 25 1602 - 1711, 57 AVERHILL 10 1810 - 1823, 58 AXALL 1 None
59 AYERS 2 None, 60 AYLETT 1 None, 61 AYRES/AYERS 2 1683, 62 B 1 1868,
63 BABSON 3 1663 - 1708, 64 BACON 3 1771, 65 BADGE 1 None, 66 BAGLEY 4 1847 - 1851,
67 BAILEY 9 1707 - 1729, 68 BAIRD 2 1861, 69 BAKER 9 1620 - 1718, 70 BALCH 2 1737,
71 BALDWIN 4 None, 72 BALL 24 1644 - 1740, 73 BALLARD 2 1801, 74 BALLERGER 1 None,
75 BALLEW 2 None, 76 BANE 1 1827, 77 BANGS 4 1857, 78 BANISTER 4 1860,
79 BANKS 1 None, 80 BARBOUR 6 1690 - 1748, 81 BARKER 7 None,
82 BARNARD 7 1743 - 1770, 83 BARNBY 1 None, 84 BARNES 8 1700 - 1887,
85 BARNETT 7 None, 86 BARNUM 1 None, 87 BARONAWSKA 2 None,
88 BARR 26 1800 - 1855, 89 BARRETT 1 None, 90 BARRIBEAU 1 1915,
91 BARSTOW 1 None, 92 BARTELL 1 None, 93 BARTER 1 None,
94 BARTLETT 10 1575 - 1790, 95 BASEY 1 1770, 96 BASIL 1 None,97 BASS 4 None,
98 BATEMAN 2 1711, 99 BATES 3 None, 100 BATSON 1 None, 101 BATTON 1 None,
102 BATTOON 1 None, 103 BAYLEY 1 1801, 104 BAYLOR 21 1650 - 1823,
105 BEAL 3 None, 106 BEALS 16 1650 - 1730, 107 BEAN 14 1675 - 1856,
108 BEATTIE 10 1876 - 1950, 109 BEAUCLAIR 1 None, 110 BEAUCLERK 1 None,
111 BEAUDOIN 1 1950, 112 BEAUMONT 2 None, 113 BEAUPRE 1 None,
114 BECKERINE 1 None, 115 BECKETT 1 None, 116 BECKMAN 1 None
117 BEELER 3 1820, 118 BELANGER 5 1948 - 1981, 119 BELCHER 4 1887,
120 BELL 4 1607 - 1893, 121 BELLAMY 3 None, 122 BELLINGER 1 None
123 BELLMORE 1 1956, 124 BELYEA 3 1918, 125 BEMIS 6 1824 - 1928
126 BENDY 1 None, 127 BENHOLLAND 1 None, 128 BENNETT 18 None
129 BERREY 1 None, 130 BERRY 5 None, 131 BERTIE 1 None, 132 BESSEY 6 1916
133 BEST 8 1527 - 1592, 134 BETTING 1 1866, 135 BETTS 2 1872,
136 BEVERIDGE 1 1753, 137 BEVERLEY 2 1667 - 1687, 138 BEVIL 1 None
139 BEZANSON 1 None, 140 BEZAR 1 None, 141 BIBBER 1 1776
142 BICKFORD 1 None, 143 BICKNELL 1 None, 144 BIGFORD 1 None
145 BILLING 3 None, 146 BILLINGS 1 None, 147 BINGHAM 1 1869
148 BISHOP 12 1756 - 1803, 149 BLACK 2 None, 150 BLACKINSHIP 1 None
151 BLAKE 31 1611 - 1876, 152 BLANCHARD 4 1848 - 1875, 153 BLAND 1 None
154 BLANEY 1 None, 155 BLECHEN 2 None, 156 BLEDSOE 2 None
157 BLEICHER 1 None, 158 BLETHEN 28 1676 - 1811, 159 BLODGET 1 None
160 BLOOD 5 1675 - 1896, 161 BLOTT 2 1622, 162 BLY 1 None
163 BOARDMAN 1 None, 164 BODWELL 2 None
166 BOLLES 1 None, 167 BOLLING 10 1676, 168 BOLLIS 2 1925, 169 BOND 3 1694
170 BONDESON 1 None, 171 BONNEY 1 None, 172 BONNY 1 1786
173 BOOKER 1 None, 174 BOOTMAN 1 None
175 BOSTON 1 None, 176 BOTTS 1 None, 177 BOUCHICAS 1 None
178 BOUGHEY 1 None, 179 BOURQUE 1 None, 180 BOWATER 2 1689
181 BOWERS 1 None, 182 BOWLES 1 None, 183 BOWMAN 4 None
184 BOWYER 2 1640, 185 BOYD 4 None, 186 BOYNTON 19 1600 - 1739
187 BOYNTON/ THOMPSON 1 1839, 188 BRACKETT 2 None
189 BRADBURY 35 1379 - 1842, 190 BRADFORD 2 None, 191 BRADLEY 2 None
192 BRADSTREET 2 None, 193 BRADY 2 1848, 194 BRAGDON 2 1672 - 1704
195 BRANDABAR 7 1934 - 1970, 196 BRAY 46 1590 - 1938, 197 BREEN 1 None
198 BRENNAN 2 None, 199 BRESTRAHAM 1 None, 200 BREWER 1 None
201 BREWSTER 1 None, 202 BRIAR/ BRYAR 2 1705, 203 BRICKET 3 1769 - 1775
204 BRICKETT 14 1780 - 1901, 205 BRIDGES 2 None, 206 BRIGGS 2 1719
207 BRIGHAM 6 1862 - 1897, 208 BRILL 1 1958, 209 BRITT 1 None
210 BROCKLEBANK 1 1663, 211 BROCKWELL 1 1573, 212 BROOKINGS 1 None
213 BROOKS 3 None, 214 BROTHERS ( BRACIKO~ 1 None, 215 BROWN 61 1566 - 1915
216 BROWNE 1 1582, 217 BRUCE 4 None, 218 BRYANT 6 1730, 219 BRYAR 2 None
220 BUBAR 1 1872, 221 BUBIER 1 None, 222 BUCHANAN 3 1941 - 1972
223 BUCHYN 1 None, 224 BUCKMASTER 2 None, 225 BUFORD 2 None
226 BULKELY 3 1583 - 1647, 227 BULLARD 2 None, 228 BUMPAS 1 None
229 BUNKER 5 1875, 230 BUNTLEY 1 None, 231 BURBANK 13 1600 - 1848
232 BURDICK 4 None
233 BURGEL 1 None, 234 BURGESS 1 None, 235 BURKE 3 None, 236 BURKES 1 None
237 BURKS 43 1680 - 1779, 238 BURLEIGH 1 None, 239 BURLEY 1 None,
240 BURNELL 1 None, 241 BURNHAM 4 1953, 242 BURNS 6 1833 - 1925
243 BURROUGHS 1 1872, 244 BURTON 22 1795 - 1881, 245 BURWELL 1 None
246 BUSHROD 1 None, 247 BUSS 1 None, 248 BUTLER 10 1699
249 BUTTERFIELD 2 1798, 250 BUTTON 1 None, 251 BUTTONS 1 1618
252 BUTTS 1 None, 253 BUXTON 1 None, 254 BUZZELL 4 1962, 255 BYLES 1 None
256 BYRAM/BYRUM 1 None, 257 BYRD 1 None, 258 BYRON 3 None, 259 CAIN 2 None,
260 CALDWELL 12 1873 - 1965, 261 CALKINS 1 1896, 262 CALL 1 None
263 CALLER 1 None, 264 CALVERT 3 None, 265 CAMDEN 1 None, 266 CAME 1 1676
267 CAMPAGNE 1 1909, 268 CAMPBELL 3 1755, 269 CANE 1 None,
270 CANNADY 6 1713 - 1744, 271 CANNEY 1 None,272 CANNON 1 None
273 CARD 28 1756 - 1883, 274 CARL 1 None, 275 CARLE 1 None, 276 CARLL 3 None
277 CARLTON 1 None, 278 CARMICHAEL 2 None, 279 CARON 14 1904 - 1952
280 CARR 13 1647 - 1776, 281 CARROLL 1 1966, 282 CARSLEY 2 None,
283 CARSON 2 1868 - 1899, 284 CARTER 9 1799 - 1876, 285 CARTER/CARL 1 None
286 CARY 1 None, 287 CASH 3 None, 288 CASSABOOM 1 None,289 CASTILLO 2 2000
290 CATES 4 1750 - 1787
291 CHADBOURNE 9 1683 - 1752, 292 CHADWICK 1 None, 293 CHAMBERLAIN 1 None
294 CHAMBERS 1 None, 295 CHANDLER 6 1683 - 1944, 296 CHANEY 1 None
297 CHAPIN 1 None, 298 CHAPMAN 15 1933 - 1967, 299 CHARLETON 2 None
300 CHASE 22 1688 - 1852, 301 CHASE/CHENEY 1 None, 302 CHENERY 3 1850 - 1921
303 CHENEY 8 1802 - 1883, 304 CHESLEY 3 1696, 305 CHESTER 1 None
306 CHICK 3 1675 - 1742, 307 CHIEUSSE 1 None, 308 CHILD 2 None, 309 CHILDS 1 1824
310 CHILLA 1 None, 311 CHISMAN/ CHEESMAN 1 None, 312 CHISWELL 2 1748
313 CHOLMLEY 2 None, 314 CHRISTENSON 1 None, 315 CHURCH 2 1758
316 CHURCHILL 1 None, 317 CHUTE 1 None, 318 CILLEY 10 1672
319 CLARK 39 1632 - 1971, 320 CLARKE 4 1653 - 1684, 321 CLARKE/CLARK 1 1731
322 CLARK-ORR 1 None, 323 CLAYTON 94 1498 - 1822, 324 CLEAR 1 None,
325 CLEERE 1 None, 326 CLEMENT 1 None, 327 CLEMENTS 3 1701 - 1739
328 CLEMONS 1 None, 329 CLEVELAND 2 1753, 330 CLIFFORD 2 1710
331 CLOGSTON 1 1822, 332 CLOSE 33 1853 - 1991, 333 CLOUGH 3 1763
334 COAKLEY 1 None, 335 COBB 14 1634 - 1791, 336 COCHRAN 1 None
337 COCHRANE 3 1852, 338 CODMAN 1 None, 339 COFER 2 1839
340 COFFIN 15 1632 - 1865, 341 COLBURN 4 1833 - 1841, 342 COLBY 18 1671 - 1865
343 COLDAM 1 None, 344 COLE 15 1743 - 1764, 345 COLELLA 1 None,
346 COLEMAN 6 1698 - 1714, 347 COLLAMORE 1 None, 348 COLLETT 1 1927
349 COLLIER 1 None, 350 COLLINS 9 1753, 351 COLVIN 5 1745 - 1845
352 COMEAU 8 1814 - 1853, 353 CONANT 13 1591 - 1804, 354 CONLEY 1 None
355 CONNOLLY 1 1978, 356 CONNOR 2 None, 357 CONROW 2 None,
358 CONROY 17 1893 - 1897, 359 COOK 24 1800 - 1973, 360 COOKE 21 1656 - 1691
361 COOLEY 1 1680, 362 COOMBS 7 None, 363 COOPER 3 1650, 364 COPP 2 1632
365 CORBETT 1 None, 366 CORBIN 1 None, 367 CORLISS 6 1617 - 1848
368 CORNSTALK 1 None, 369 CORRELL 1 None, 370 CORSON 1 None
371 COSMAN 3 1786 - 1870, 372 COTE 1 None, 373 COTTERN 1 1700
374 COTTLE 1 None, 375 COTTON 1 None, 376 COULIER/COLYER/ 1 1764
377 COUSINS 2 None, 378 COUTRAS 1 None, 379 COVELL 1 None
380 COX 4 None, 381 COXE 1 None, 382 CRAFT 1 1793, 383 CRAIGE 1 None
384 CRAMER 1 None, 385 CRANE 1 None, 386 CRECE 1 None, 387 CREDIFORD 1 None
388 CREGER 1 None, 389 CROCKER 1 None, 390 CROCKETT 21 1644 - 1762
391 CROMWELL 5 1600 - 1685, 392 CROOKS 2 None, 393 CROSBY 3 1942
394 CROSS 1 None, 395 CROSSMAN 2 None, 396 CROWELL 2 None
397 CROWLEY 2 1890, 398 CROY 1 None, 399 CRUTCHER 1 1785, 400 CUDWORTH 3 None
401 CUMMINGS 3 1660 - 1686, 402 CURIT 1 1776, 403 CURRAN 2 None, 404 CURRIE 1 None
405 CURRIER 8 None, 406 CURTIS 30 1660 - 1845
407 CUSHMAN 2 None, 408 CUSTIS 11 1678 - 1779, 409 CUTLER 4 1822 - 1858
410 CUTT 1 None, 411 CUTTER 1 None, 412 CUTTING 2 None, 413 CUTTS 1 None
414 CYR 4 None, 415 DAGGERT 1 None, 416 DAIGLE 1 None, 417 DAIGNEAULT 1 1787
418 DALTON 2 None, 419 DANDRIDGE 2 None, 420 DANE 1 1850, 421 DANFORD 2 1695
422 DANFORTH 1 None, 423 DARLING 2 None, 424 DARROW 1 None
425 DAVENPORT 7 1794 - 1849, 426 DAVIDSON 2 1882, 427 DAVIES 11 1789 - 1795
428 DAVIS 74 1595 - 1907, 429 DAVISON 1 None, 430 DAWSON 1 None,
431 DAY 4 1714 - 1762, 432 DE BUTTS 11 1954 - 1964, 433 DE CLAYTON 23 1211 - 1510
434 DE LANGTOWN 1 None, 435 DE MADELEN 1 1848, 436 DE MORS 1 None
437 DE SPENCER 1 1335, 438 DEADLEY 1 None, 439 DEAN 55 1671 - 1904
440 DEARBORN 4 1855, 441 DEBRUIN 3 2004, 442 DECKE 1 None, 443 DEERING 1 None
444 DELANO 1 None, 445 DELONG 1 1863, 446 DELONG-DELANEY 1 None
447 DENBO 4 1561 - 1642, 448 DENBOW 4 1710 - 1825, 449 DENNEN 24 1708 - 1812
450 DENNETT 5 1729, 451 DENNING/DENNEN 1 1686, 452 DENYOU 1 1901,
453 DEPNER 1 1970, 454 DEWOLF 1 None, 455 DIAMOND 2 None, 456 DIBBLE 3 None
457 DICKENS 1 None, 458 DICKENSON 6 None, 459 DICKERSON 1 None
460 DIDAS 1 None, 461 DILL 1 None, 462 DILLEY 1 None, 463 DINSMORE 2 1791
465 DIXON 1 None, 466 DOANE 16 1590 - 1756, 467 DOBKE 3RD 1 None
468 DODGE 6 None, 469 DOLE 4 1660 - 1695, 470 DOLLIVER 1 1662
471 DOLLOFF 1 1771, 472 DOMIQUE 1 None, 473 DOOLEY 4 None, 474 DORMAN 1 None, 475 DORNE 1 None, 476 DORRELL 1 None, 477 DORSETT 1 None, 478 DOTY 4 None
479 DOUDE 1 None, 480 DOUGHTY 4 None, 481 DOUGLAS 2 None, 482 DOUGLASS 1 None
483 DOUTHAT 1 1909, 484 DOW 4 1917, 485 DOWMAN 1 None, 486 DOWNEY 1 None
487 DOWNING 2 None, 488 DOYEN 1 1700, 489 DOYLE 2 1785, 490 DRAKE 2 1880
491 DRESSER 1 1678, 492 DREW 2 1837, 493 DRISCO 1 1686, 494 DRISCOLL 1 None
495 DROODY 1 None, 496 DROUGHT 1 None, 497 DROWNE 1 None, 498 DUBE 10 1909
499 DUBEN 1 None, 500 DUBOIS 1 None, 501 DUDLEY 3 None, 502 DULEY 1 None
503 DUMONT 2 1844, 504 DUNBAR 1 None, 505 DUNCAN 1 None, 506 DUNHAM 3 None
507 DUNLAP 2 None, 508 DUNN 4 1759 - 1776, 509 DUNNING 10 1691 - 1847
510 DUNTON 1 None, 511 DUQUAINE 1 None, 512 DURKIN 1 None, 513 DURRELL 2 None
514 DWIGHT 2 None, 515 DYER 27 1690 - 1770, 516 DYKE 1 1688, 517 EAGLE 2 1920
518 EAGLEBOY 1 None, 519 EARLE 8 1866 - 1903, 520 EASTMAN 169 1515 - 1923
521 EATON 47 1590 - 1760, 522 ECHOLS 2 None
523 EDEN 1 None, 524 EDGE 4 None, 525 EDGECOMB 2 None, 526 EDQUIST 1 None
527 EDSON 4 None, 528 EDWARDS 3 None, 529 EGAN 12 1954 - 2008,
530 EGERTON 1 None, 531 EGLOFF 8 1867 - 1910, 532 ELDEN 4 1761 - 1789
533 ELDER 1 1723, 534 ELDRIDGE 1 None, 535 ELITHORPE 2 None
536 ELLIOT 16 1660 - 1844, 537 ELLIS 3 None, 538 ELLISON 4 None, 539 ELWELL 1 1674
540 ELY 5 None, 541 EMERSON 4 1665, 542 EMERY 12 1654, 543 ENDLE 3 1748
544 ERVINE 1 1902, 545 ESTABROOKS 1 None, 546 ESTES 3 1800, 547 EUPSON 1 None
548 EVANS 4 None, 549 EVERETT 5 1869 - 1871, 550 EVERSON 1 1732, 551 EVERTS 1 1670
552 EWING 6 1783 - 1817. 553 EWRILL 1 None, 554 FAIRBANKS 1 None,
555 FAIRCLOTH 1 1963, 556 ( blank) 2 1550, 557 FAIRFAX 1 None, 558 FALVEY 1 None
559 FARLEY 5 1827, 560 FARMER 10 1640 - 1676, 561 FARNSWORTH 2 None
562 FARR 2 None, 563 FARRAR 3 1912, 564 FARRIN 2 None. 565 FARRINGTON 1 None
566 FAY 1 None, 567 FAYE 2 None, 568 FELLOWS 5 1865, 569 FELTY 1 None
570 FERLAND 1 None, 571 FERNALD 5 None, 572 FERRER 2 None,
573 FICKETT 48 1722 - 1840,  574 FIELD 2 1835, 575 FIELDING 3 1702,
576 FIELDS 1 1898, 577 FIFIELD 1 None,  578 FILES 1 None,
579 FILLEBROWN 16 1788 - 1839,  580 FINAL 1 1885
581 FIORE 1 None,  582 FISCHER 1 1691,  583 FISH 9 1831 - 1907
584 FISHER 5 1644,  585 FITCH 5 1948,  586 FITZ 3 1889, 587 FITZHUGH 3 None
588 FLAGG 4 1769,  589 FLAHERTY 2 1938, 590 FLANDERS 21 1700 - 1902
591 FLANNEGAN 1 None, 592 FLEEMAN 1 None, 593 FLEMING 1 None
594 FLETCHER 7 1868,  595 FLOOD 2 1865,  596 FLOYD 45 1720 - 1792
597 FLYE 1 1685, 598 FOGG 5 1762 - 1789, 599 FOLEY 1 1952
600 FOLLETT 1 None,  601 FOLLEY 2 None, 602 FOLSOM 25 1644 - 1825
603 FORBES 1 None, 604 FORD 7 1600, 605 FOREBY 1 None, 606 FOREST 1 None
607 FORSAITH 1 1832,  608 FORSON 1 None, 609 FOSSETT 1 None
610 FOSTER 25 1657 - 1906, 611 FOUNTAINE 2 1701, 612 FOWLE 1 1584
613 FOWLER 4 None, 614 FOX 1 None, 615 FRANCE 1 1795, 616 FRANCISCO 1 None
617 FRANK 1 1757, 618 FRAZER 1 None,  619 FRAZIER 1 None,  620 FREELAND 2 None
621 FREEMAN 11 1686 - 1796,  622 FREETHY 1 None,  623 FRENCH 77 1590 - 1769
624 FROST 16 1657 - 1906,  625 FRY 2 1790 - 1831,  626 FUGATE 1 None
627 FULLER 9 1760 - 1802,  628 FURBISH/FORBUSH 1 None,  629 FURBUSH 45 1648 - 1842
630 GAGE 1 None,  631 GAGNON 1 None,  632 GALE 4 1615,  633 GAMMON 2 None
634 GANNETT 1 None,  635 GARDNER 2 1666,  636 GARE 1 1715,
637 GARLAND 8 1703 - 1771,  638 GARRISON 1 1840
639 GARY 1 None,  640 GATCHELL 5 1756 - 1804,  641 GATES 2 None,
642 GATEWOOD 1 None,  643 GAY 2 None,  644 GEARY 3 1890 - 1930
645 GENET 1 1760,  646 GEORGE 20 1759 - 1906,  647 GEREW 1 None,
648 GERRAD 2 None,  649 GERRARD 1 None,  650 GERRISH 5 1742,  651 GERRY 1 None
652 GETCHELL 74 1649 - 1803, 653 GIBBS 1 None, 654 GIBREE 1 None
655 GIBSON 1 1856, 656 GIDDINGS 1 None, 657 GILDERT 1 None, 658 GILES 1 1880
659 GILL 1 None, 660 GILLIAM 5 1912 - 1913, 661 GILLILAND 6 1876
662 GILLINGHAM 1 None, 663 GILMAN 1 None, 664 GINN 8 1762 - 1907
665 GINNY 1 None, 666 GIVEN 11 1745 - 1791, 667 GLIDDEN 1 None
668 GLOVER 3 1983 - 1986, 669 GODFREY 1 None, 670 GOGGEN 1 None
671 GOING 1 None, 672 GOLLIHER 1 1907, 673 GONZALEZ 2 2009
674 GOOCH 1 None, 675 GOODIN/ GOODWIN 1 1692, 676 GOODRICH 1 None
677 GOODRIDGE 7 1712 - 1887, 678 GOODWIN 7 1687 - 1715,
679 GOODWIN/ GOODEN 10 1702 - 1719, 680 GORDON 6 1771 - 1873,
681 GORMENT 1 None, 682 GORTON 1 None, 683 GOSS 1 None, 684 GOSSETT 1 None
685 GOULD 15 1680 - 1934, 686 GOWAN 1 1754, 687 GOWELL 2 1692, 688 GRACE 2 None
689 GRAFFAM 1 None, 690 GRAHAM 3 1872, 691 GRAMMAR 1 None
692 GRANT 9 1671 - 1885, 693 GRAVES 2 None, 694 GRAY 11 1734 - 1758
695 GREEN 41 1590 - 1869, 696 GREENAWAY 1 1639
697 GREENLAW 2 1766, 698 GREENLEAF 12 1510 - 1630, 699 GREENOUGH 1 None
700 GREER 1 None, 701 GREGORY 4 1690 - 1718, 702 GRENDELL 2 1926
703 GRERION 7 1843, 704 GRERION/GRENON 1 1881, 705 GRIFFETH 1 None
706 GRIFFIN 1 None, 707 GRIFFING 1 None, 708 GRIMLEY 1 1585, 709 GRINDEL 2 1829
710 GRISWOLD 2 1656, 711 GROVER 1 None, 712 GRYMES 2 None,
713 GUIMOND 10 1782 - 1883, 714 GUIMOND-MCDOUGAL 1 1910
715 GUNNISON 4 1610, 716 GUNTNER 1 None, 717 GUPTILL 6 1650 - 1852
718 GUTTERSON 1 None, 719 GUY 1 None, 720 GWATKN 1 None, 721 GYLES 1 None
722 HACKETT 3 1845 - 1848, 723 HADDON 1 None, 724 HADLEY 11 1730 - 1906
725 HAGAR 1 None, 726 HAGEE 2 1908 - 1910, 727 HAGGIT 1 1702,
728 HAINES 65 1858 - 1987, 729 HAITON 1 1675, 730 HALDENBY 1 None
731 HALE 6 1744 - 1888, 732 HALES 1 None, 733 HALEY 90 1670 - 1922
734 HALFIELD 2 None, 735 HALL 23 1708 - 1915, 736 HALLOCK 1 None
737 HALVERSON 1 1912, 738 HAM 4 1802, 739 HAMBLEN 5 1833
740 HAMILTON 19 1782 - 1811, 741 HAMLIN 1 None, 742 HAMMOND 3 1661
743 HAMPTON 1 None, 744 HANCOCK 22 1670 - 1798, 745 HANDCOCK 1 None
746 HANFFORD 1 1804, 747 HANNA 6 None, 748 HANNAY 1 None, 749 HANNON 1 None
750 HANSCOM 3 1849, 751 HANSON 1 None, 752 HARDEN/ HARDING 9 1773 - 1866
753 HARDEN/HARDIN/HAR~ 1 1805, 754 HARDIN 13 1757
755 HARDING 32 1637 - 1729, 756 HARDISON 9 1693 - 1738, 757 HARDY 9 None
758 HARINDEEN 1 None, 759 HARLESS 3 None, 760 HARLOW 1 None
761 HARMON 67 1766 - 1937, 762 HARNET 1 None, 763 HARRELL 63 1750 - 1928
764 HARRIMAN 35 1622 - 1743, 765 HARRINGTON 2 None, 766 HARRIS 15 1644 - 1889
767 HARRISON 1 None, 768 HART 1 None, 769 HARTFORD 1 1868
770 HARTSHORN 1 None, 771 ( blank) 3 1902 - 1969, 772 HARTWELL 4 1857 - 1903
773 HARVEY 1 None, 774 HARVY 1 1645, 775 HARWOOD 8 1626 - 1710
776 HARWOODE 1 1535, 777 HASKELL 25 1584 - 1793, 778 HASKENS 2 None
779 HASSEN 5 None, 780 HASTINGS 1 None, 781 HATCH 17 1685 - 1709
782 HATCHER 2 1848, 783 HATCHETT 1 None, 784 HATHORN 1 None, 785 HAWKINS 4 None
786 HAWKS 3 1832, 787 HAXALL 1 1848, 788 HAYDEN 7 1770, 789 HAYES 4 1845
790 HAYFORD 21 1785 - 1837, 791 HAYNES 1 None, 792 HAYWARD 6 1750
793 HAZELTINE 5 1620 - 1800, 794 HAZEN 1 1664, 795 HEALEY 22 1837 - 1939
796 HEALY/ HEILIE 1 None, 797 HEARD 11 1655 - 1761, 798 HEATH 7 1624 - 1888
799 HEBERT 1 1958, 800 HEDBERG 1 None, 801 HELDMAN 1 None, 802 HELVEY 4 1904
803 HEMPHILL 1 None, 804 HENDERSON 1 None, 805 HENRICKSON 1 None,
806 HENRY 6 1740 - 1922, 807 HERRON/HERRING 1 None, 808 HERSEY 1 None
809 HESS 1 1745, 810 HEWLITT 2 1874 , 811 HEY 2 None, 812 HIATT 1 None
813 HIBBARD 1 None, 814 HIBBERT 1 1591, 815 HICKMAN 1 None, 816 HICKS 4 None
817 HIGGINS 6 1806, 818 HIGHT 1 None, 819 HILDRETH 2 1725, 820 HILL 7 1864 - 1971
821 HILLIARD 2 1678, 822 HILLIEUR 1 None, 823 HILLSMAN 5 1865,
824 HILTON 9 1591 - 1648, 825 HINCKLEY 1 None, 826 HINES 1 None,
827 HINKLEY 24 1597 - 1868,  828 HINTZ 1 1949, 829 HOAG 1 None, 830 HOAN 1 None
831 HOBART 4 None,  832 HOBBS 2 1722, 833 HOBSON 4 1788 - 1826
834 HODGDON 1 None,  835 HODGE 1 None, 836 HODGMAN 3 None, 837 HODSDON 2 None
838 HODSON 2 None, 839 HOFFMAN 3 None, 840 HOGG 1 1760,
841 HOLBROOK 4 1812 - 1872, 842 HOLDER 3 None, 843 HOLDRIDGE 1 None,
844 HOLLAND 3 1895, 845 HOLLEY 1 None, 846 HOLLINGS 1 1885, 847 HOLLOWAY 1 None
848 HOLMES 15 1551 - 1867, 849 HOLT 1 None, 850 HOOK 2 1756,
851 HOOPER 7 1760 - 1877, 852 HOOVER 1 None, 853 HOPKINS 25 1580 - 1664
854 HOPKINSON 3 1742, 855 HOR 1 None, 856 HORNE 1 None
857 HORR 5 1907, 858 HORTON 2 1715, 859 HOSKINS 1 None, 860 HOSTFORD 2 None
861 HOTCHKISS 1 None, 862 HOUGHTON 1 None, 863 HOULARD 1 None, 864 HOULE 1 1600
865 HOVEY 1 None,  866 HOWANIEC 1 None, 867 HOWARD 10 1823 - 1872,
868 HOWELL 2 1911,  869 HOWES 2 None,  870 HOWKER 3 1883
871 HOWLAND 1 None, 872 HOWSE 1 None, 873 HOYT 9 1815, 874 HUBBARD 6 1823
875 HUBLEY 3 1839 - 1865, 876 HUDSON 2 None, 877 HUFF 1 None, 878 HUFFORD 1 None
879 HUGHES 5 1620 - 1679, 880 HUGHS WYATT BUSHR~ 1 1650, 881 HUKLEY 1 None
882 HULL 1 None, 883 HUMPHREY 1 None, 884 HUNNEWELL 3 None,
885 HUNT 11 1735 - 1825, 886 HUNTLEY 3 1889, 887 HUNTOON 1 None,
888 HUNTRESS 1 None, 889 HURD 1 1836, 890 HURLBURT 1 None, 891 HURST 1 1648
892 HURT 2 1888, 893 HUSSEY 2 1717, 894 HUTCHINS 13 1604 - 1710
895 HUTCHINSON 1 None, 896 HUTENGS 1 None, 897 HYDE 2 1802, 898 INGALLS 1 1739
899 INGE 11 1846 - 1851, 900 INGERSOLL 23 1562 - 1688, 901 INGRAM 2 None
902 INMAN 9 1819 - 1862, 903 IRELAND 3 1821, 904 IRVING 1 None, 905 ISBEL 1 None
906 ISSELLS 1 None, 907 JACK 2 1878, 908 JACKMAN 6 1814, 909 JACKMAN MUZZY 1 None
910 JACKSON 33 1725 - 1918, 911 JACOBS 1 None, 912 JACQUES 4 1672,
913 JALBERT 1 1973, 914 JAMES 4 1614 - 1629, 915 JAMESON 2 1835,
916 JAQUES 2 1683 - 1730, 917 JARRELL 1 None, 918 JAVOREK 2 None,
919 JELLISON 21 1620 - 1750, 920 JENKINS 17 1608 - 1776, 921 JENNESS 1 1743
922 JENNINGS 1 None, 923 JENNY 1 None, 924 JESSIE 1 None, 925 JESTER 1 None
926 JEWELL 2 None, 927 JEWETT 34 126 - 1781, 928 JEWSON 2 None
929 JOHN 1 1823, 930 JOHNSON 51 1633 - 1913, 931 JOLLYMORE 2 1881
932 JONATHAN 1 None, 933 JONES 24 1633 - 1745, 934 JOPLING 1 None
935 JORDAN 15 1684 - 1890, 936 JOSLIN 1 None, 937 JOUBERT 1 None
938 JOURDAINE 1 1599, 939 JOY 9 1909, 940 JUDKINS 5 1881, 941 KAHL 2 None
942 KAISER 1 1910. 943 KARL 1 None, 944 KAWOOD 1 None, 945 KEDY 2 1850
946 KEEN 3 1713, 947 KEENEY 1 None, 948 KEGLEY 1 None, 949 KELLER 1 None
950 KELLEY 8 None, 951 KELLY 6 1808 - 1893, 952 KEMP 3 1844, 953 KEMPTON 1 None
954 KENDALL 6 1778, 955 KENDALL OR KETTLE 1 None, 956 KENERSON 1 1862
957 KENISTON 1 1847, 958 KENNEAS 1 None, 959 KENNEDY 3 1876,
960 KENNEY 53 1709 - 1831, 961 KENNON 1 None, 962 KENT 5 1679 - 1856
963 KERNS 1 1907, 964 KETTLEBOROUGH 1 None, 965 KEY 5 1718
966 KEZAR 1 None, 967 KIDD 2 1715 - 1755, 968 KIDNEY 1 1874, 969 KILLIAM 1 None
970 KIMBALL 25 1633 - 1926, 971 KING 10 1700 - 1916, 972 KINGSBURY 3 None
973 KINNEY 29 1683 - 1909, 974 KINZER 3 1843 - 1877, 975 KIPPING 1 None
976 KIRKHAM 1 None, 977 KLEMP 3 1951 - 1982, 978 KNAPP 2 None,
979 KNIGHT 132 1559 - 1880, 980 KNIGHT/TITCOMB 1 1765, 981 KNIGHTS 1 None
982 KNOWLES 5 1788, 983 KNOWLES/NEWELL 1 None, 984 KNOWLTON 2 None
985 KRITZ 1 1955, 986 KUHN 2 1870
987 KYVILIOK 2 None, 988 LADD 18 1704 - 1922, 989 LAFFATY 15 1843 - 1919
990 LAFLAND 3 1933, 991 LAFONTAIN 4 1935, 992 LAFOREY 1 None, 993 LAKE 1 None
994 LALLIER 1 None, 995 LAMBERT 6 1972 - 1999, 996 LANDERS 1 None, 997 LANE 7 1738
998 LANG 1 None, 999 LANGLEY 3 None, 1000 LAPOINT 3 None, 1001 LAPPIN 8 2003 - 2004
1002 LAPRADE 1 None, 1003 LARABEE 1 None, 1004 LARLEE 1 None,
1005 LARRABEE 5 1754, 1006 LASELL 3 1926, 1007 LATHAM 2 None, 1008 LATHROP 1 None
1009 LATINY 1 None, 1010 LATTER 4 1881 - 1917, 1011 LAVALLAY 2 None,
1012 LAVALLEE 1 1732, 1013 LAVALLEY 1 None, 1014 LAW 1 None,
1015 LAWRENCE 7 1648 - 1687, 1016 LAWYER 1 None, 1017 LAYDON 1 None
1018 LAZENBERRY/LAZENBY 1 None, 1019 LEACH 9 None, 1020 LEAHY 1 1917,
1021 LEAMAN 1 None, 1022 LEAVITT 127 1668 - 1989, 1023 LEBLANC 2 1922,
1024 LEDUC 3 1925 - 1928, 1025 LEE 62 1772 - 1962, 1026 LEEMAN 1 None,
1027 LEFTWICH 8 None, 1028 LEGROW 1 None, 1029 LEIDERMAN 2 None
1030 LEIGHER 1 None, 1031 LEIGHTON 58 1604 - 2000, 1032 LELAND 1 None
1033 LELANSKY 1 None, 1034 LEMASTERS 2 1769, 1035 LEQUIA 1 1960
1036 LESUEUR 1 None, 1037 LESUEUR/LESEUR 1 None
1038 LEVENSALOR 1 None, 1039 LEVENSELLAR 1 None, 1040 LEVET 5 1480 - 1541
1041 LEVET-LEAVITT 5 1616 - 1652, 1042 LEVETT 7 1572 - 1594
1043 LEWIS 78 1579 - 1843, 1044 LIBBEY 1 1682
1045 LIBBY 22 1703 - 1952 ,1046 LIEBLER 1 None, 1047 LIGON 1 None
1048 LINCOLN 2 1357 - 1781, 1049 LINCOLN. 1 None, 1050 LINDGARD 1 None
1051 LINDLEY 1 None, 1052 LINSCOTT 6 None, 1053 LIPSETT 13 1822 - 1909
1054 LITHGOW 2 None, 1055 LITTLE 2 1681 - 1718, 1056 LITTLEFIELD 13 1659 - 1710
1057 LIVERMORE 1 None, 1058 LIVINGSTONE 3 1694, 1059 LNU 1 None
1060 LOCKE 2 None, 1061 LODEWICK 1 None, 1062 LOGAN 1 None
1063 LOMBARD 19 1731 - 1770, 1064 LOMBARDO 8 1887, 1065 LONG 2 None
1066 LONGBOTHOME/LON~ 2 1560, 1067 LONGFELLOW 1 None
1068 LONGLEY 2 1677 - 1680, 1069 LORD 10 1679 - 1725, 1070 LORING 3 1793 - 1832
1071 LOTHROP 2 None, 1072 LOVEJOY 14 1701 - 1818, 1073 LOVELACE 1 1675
1074 LOVETT 1 None, 1075 LOW 3 1707, 1076 LOWE 1 None, 1077 LOWELL 1 None
1078 LOWRES 1 None, 1079 LOWRY 1 None, 1080 LOYESTER 1 None, 1081 LUBEE 4 1873
1082 LUCAS 5 1783 - 1915, 1083 LUCE 5 1793, 1084 LUFKIN 1 None, 1085 LUGAR 1 None
1086 LUMPKIN 1 None, 1087 LUNT 2 None, 1088 LUSCOMB 16 1813 - 1876,
1089 LUX 3 1890 - 1926, 1090 LYDSTON 1 None, 1091 LYNN 1 None, 1092 LYONS 1 1918
1093 MAC TAVISH 1 None, 1094 MACKAY 1 1835, 1095 MADDEN 2 1960
1096 MADELEN 1 None, 1097 MAGNUS 1 None, 1098 MAGOON 1 None, 1099 MAHON 1 None
1100 MAHONEY 1 None, 1101 MAILLE 1 None, 1102 MAINWARING 8 1405
1103 MALCOLM 1 None, 1104 MALLOT 1 None, 1105 MALM 1 1972, 1106 MANES 1 None
1107 MANN 1 None, 1108 MANSFIELD 3 None, 1109 (  blank ) 5 1921 - 1959,
1110 MANSON 1 None, 1111 MANUEL 1 None, 1112 MARIANO 1 None,
1113 MARINER 3 None, 1114 MARION 17 1843 - 1908, 1115 MARIS 1 None
1116 MARKHAM 1 None, 1117 MARKS 1 1968, 1118 MARSH 1 None,
1119 MARSHALL 5 1853 - 1854, 1120 MARTIAU 5 1591 - 1625, 1121 MARTIN 11 1729 - 1859
1122 MARTINEZ 1 1965, 1123 MARX 1 None, 1124 MASON 3 1540, 1125 MASTERSON 1 None
1126 MATHEWS 1 None, 1127 MATTHEWS 3 None, 1128 MAUD 1 1531,
1129 MAUDSLEY 1 1707,  1130 MAWD 1 None, 1131 MAXFIELD 43 1680 - 1897
1132 MAXHAM 1 None, 1133 MAXWELL 4 1850, 1134 MAY 1 None, 1135 MAYBERRY 1 None
1136 MAYBURY 1 None, 1137 MAYNARD 5 None, 1138 MAYO 7 1719,
1139 Mc ALLISTER 9 1906 - 1945, 1140 Mc ALPINE 22 1779, 1141 Mc ATEE 1 1928
1142 Mc CANN 1 None, 1143 Mc CLURE 1 None
1144 Mc CONNELL 1 1826, 1145 Mc CRILLIS 1 None, 1146 Mc CUBREY 1 1867
1147 Mc CULLUM/MCCOLLUM 1 None, 1148 Mc DERMOTT 1 None, 1149 Mc DONALD 5 1816
1150 Mc DOUGAL 6 None, 1151 Mc EACHERN 22 1888 - 1927,  1152 Mc EVOY 2 None
1153 Mc GIVER 1 None,1154 Mc GRATH 1 None,1155 Mc GRAY 1 None,
1156 Mc KENNEY 16 1780 - 1876,1157 Mc KENZIE 1 1844,1158 Mc KEON 38 1868 - 2010
1159 Mc KINNEY 1 1853, 1160 Mc LAUGHLIN 1 None
1161 Mc LELLAN 1 1745, 1162 Mc MILLAN 1 None, 1163 Mc MURRAY 1 None
1164 Mc NESS OR MCVEU 1 None, 1165 Mc PATRICK 1 None
1166 MEADER 1 None, 1167 MEADS 2 None, 1168 MEANS 5 1722 - 1756, 1169 MEARS 1 1898
1170 MEHURION 1 None, 1171 MELCHER 1 None, 1172 MELLIN 3 1823 - 1868
1173 MELVIN 3 1874 - 1877, 1174 MENDON 2 None, 1175 MERIDETH 1 None
1176 MERIWETHER 1 None, 1177 MERRIAM 1 None, 1178 MERRICK 2 None
1179 MERRILL 22 1676 - 1847, 1180 MERRIMAN 4 1814 - 1879,
1181 MERRYMAN 21 1760 - 1853, 1182 MERSO 1 None, 1183 MERTES 1 1921,
1184 MESERVE 7 1762, 1185 MICHAUD 5 1996 - 2003, 1186 MICKLE 1 None,
1187 MIELKE 1 None, 1188 MILFORD 3 None, 1189 MILLER 7 1862,
1190 MILLETT 4 1605 - 1666, 1191 MILLIER 2 1794, 1192 MILLIKEN 3 1804 - 1830
1193 MILLS 12 1712 - 1763, 1194 MILNER 1 1809, 1195 MINARD 1 None
1196 MINOT 2 1776 - 1805, 1197 MINOTT 1 1808, 1198 MIRFIN 1 None
1199 MITCHELL 78 1742 - 1946, 1200 MOCCO 1 None, 1201 MONK 1 None
1202 MONTMINY 1 None, 1203 MOODY 3 None, 1204 MOORE 29 1535 - 1909
1205 MOORE-GETCHELL 1 1871, 1206 MOORES 2 None, 1207 MOORMAN 2 None
1208 MORAN 1 1959, 1209 MORE 3 None, 1210 MOREN 4 1957 - 1963,
1211 MORENCY 1 None, 1212 MOREY 3 1681, 1213 MORGAN 3 1858,
1214 MORGISON 2 1883, 1215 MORRELL 2 1759, 1216 MORRELL/MORRILL 1 1860
1217 MORRILL 4 1696 - 1885, 1218 MORRIS 3 None
1219 MORRISON 2 1700, 1220 MORRISON/MOMSON 1 1881, 1221 MORSE 4 1892
1222 MORTIER 2 None, 1223 MORTON 11 1737 - 1779, 1224 MOSBY 1 None
1225 MOSELEY 2 None, 1226 MOTT 1 1760, 1227 MOULTON 8 1656 - 1720
1228 MOW 1 None, 1229 MOYERS 1 None, 1230 MUDGETT 1 None
1231 MULLEN 7 1888 - 1967, 1232 MULLENS 2 None, 1233 MURPHY 1 None
1234 MURRAY 2 None, 1235 MUSSY 1 None, 1236 MYERS 1 None
1237 MYERS (WILSON) 1 None, 1238 MYRICK/MERRICK 11 1612 - 1670
1239 NAPIER 1 1843, 1240 NARDO 5 1896 - 1923, 1241 NASH 4 1910,
1242 NASON 43 1601 - 1861, 1243 NASONNE 19 1526 - 1618, 1244 NAYLOR 1 None
1245 NEAL 8 1664 - 1725, 1246 NEALE 2 None, 1247 NEALL 1 None,
1248 NELSON 6 1879 - 1892, 1249 NEWBEGIN 213 12 - 2010,
1250 NEWCOMB 10 1857 - 1899, 1251 NEWELL 7 1802, 1252 NEWMAN 1 None
1253 NEWTON 2 None, 1254 NICHOLS 4 None, 1255 NICHOLSON 6 1700 - 1825
1256 NICKERSON 6 1885 - 1915, 1257 NICKS 1 None, 1258 NOBLE 3 None
1259 NOEL 1 None, 1260 NOONAN 4 1980, 1261 NORCROSS 2 1861
1262 NORTH 1 1974, 1263 NORTHEND 1 None, 1264 NORTHROP 1 None
1265 NORTON 11 None, 1266 NOURSE 1 None, 1267 NOWELL 1 None
1268 NOYES 18 1643 - 1792, 1269 NUTT 1 None, 1270 NUTTER 2 1644
1271 NUTTING 1 None, 1272 O' KELLY 1 1857, 1273 OAKES 1 None
1274 O'BRIEN 1 None, 1275 ODENCRANTZ 1 None, 1276 OF THE POWHATAN 3 1415 - 1517
1277 OGDEN 2 1797 - 1828, 1278 OGLIN 1 1904, 1279 OLIVER 4 1762 - 1850
1280 OLMSTEAD 2 None, 1281 OLYVER 1 1616, 1282 OPDYKE 1 None
1283 ORDAWAY 1 1730, 1284 ORDWAY 1 None, 1285 ORME 1 1730
1286 ORMSBY 1 None, 1287 ORR 178 20 - 2005, 1288 OSGOOD 44 1569 - 1868
1289 OSTLER 2 1769 - 1799, 1290 OUELLETTE 2 1972 - 2002, 1291 OVERSTREET 1 None
1292 OVERTON 1 None, 1293 OWEN 7 1770, 1294 PACE 5 1839 - 1849,
1295 PACKARD 2 None, 1296 PADGETT 4 1784 - 1850, 1297 PAGE 6 1833,
1298 PAGE/PAIGE 1 None, 1299 PAINE 6 1725 - 1858, 1300 PALCZYNSKI 1 None
1301 PALMER 13 1635 - 1676, 1302 PARENT 1 None, 1303 PARKER 55 1585 - 1914
1304 PARKS 44 1650 - 1822, 1305 PARLIN 4 1758 - 1791, 1306 PARMALEE 1 1676
1307 PARMER 1 None, 1308 PARRISH 4 1687 - 1692, 1309 PARRITT 1 None
1310 PARSONS 4 1713, 1311 PARTRIDGE 2 1642, 1312 PASTON 3 1625 - 1653
1313 PATTEN 7 None, 1314 PAUL 2 None, 1315 PAYBODY 1 None, 1316 PAYNE 10 1935
1317 PEABODY 1 1993, 1318 PEAK 1 None, 1319 PEAKE 1 1464, 1320 PEARL 2 1823 - 1855
1321 PEARSON 34 1653 - 1882, 1322 PEARTREE 1 None, 1323 PEARY 1 None
1324 PEASE 1 None, 1325 PECKAM 1 None, 1326 PECKHAM 1 None, 1327 PELL 3 1612
1328 PELLETIER 5 1967 - 1969, 1329 PEMBERTON 1 None, 1330 PENDEXTER 1 None
1331 PENNELL 6 None, 1332 PENSFIELD 1 None, 1333 PERKINS 2 None,
1334 PERRIMAN 1 None
1335 PERRY 10 1674 - 1960, 1336 PETER 1 None, 1337 PETERSON 1 None,
1338 PETTEE 1 None, 1339 PETTINGILL 1 None, 1340 PETTUS 1 None
1341 PEYTON 2 1670, 1342 PHELPS 3 None, 1343 PHILBRICK 6 1719 - 1821
1344 PHILLIPS 7 1629 - 1714, 1345 PHINNEY 30 1665 - 1828
1346 PHINNEY/FINNY 2 1727 - 1751, 1347 PICK-PICKE 2 1660, 1348 PIERCE 2 None
1349 PIKE 11 1650, 1350 PILLSBURY 7 1700 - 1780, 1351 PINCKNEY 1 None
1352 PINEGREE 1 None, 1353 PINKHAM 2 None, 1354 PIONDEXTER 2 None
1355 PIPER 12 1822, 1356 PITMAN 1 1665, 1357 PITTS 1 None, 1358 PLAISTED 1 None
1359 PLEYTE 1 1950, 1360 PLOURDE 4 1953 - 1964, 1361 PLUMMER 7 1770 - 1917
1362 POLARD/POLLARD 3 None, 1363 POLEY 3 1802 - 1828, 1364 POMERLEAU 1 None
1365 POOR 2 1670, 1366 POORE 1 None, 1367 POPE 4 1657, 1368 PORTER 3 None
1369 POTTER 3 1722, 1370 POWELL 1 1745, 1371 POWHATAN 18 1515 - 1674
1372 POYTHRESS 1 None, 1373 PRATT 5 None, 1374 PRAY 27 1595 - 1674
1375 PREBLE 5 1713 - 1807, 1376 PREISCHE/ PRICE 3 1690 - 1718, 1377 PRENCE 2 None
1378 PRESBURY 1 None, 1379 PRESCOTT 1 None, 1380 PRESTON 2 None
1381 PRIBBLE 1 None, 1382 PRICE 7 1748 - 1821, 1383 PRIDE 2 1726, 1384 PRINCE 1 None
1385 PRIOR 1 1895, 1386 PROCTOR 3 None, 1387 PRYOR 3 1750 - 1774
1388 PULLIAM 16 1856 - 1914, 1389 PURINGTON 6 1784 - 1861, 1390 PURINTON 1 None
1391 PURRINGTON 1 None, 1392 PUSEY 1 None
1393 PUTNEY 19 1820 - 1917, 1394 QUESENBERRY 1 None, 1395 QUILTER 1 None
1396 QUIMBY 106 1674 - 1876, 1397 QUIMBY-QUINBY 1 1579, 1398 QUINBY 20 1600 - 1738
1399 QUINN 3 1859, 1400 RACKLIFFE 1 None, 1401 RADER 2 None, 1402 RADFORD 1 None
1403 RADOUX 1 None, 1404 RAINES 2 1897, 1405 RAMSDELL 1 1803,
1406 RAND 8 1902 - 1963, 1407 RANDALL 2 None, 1408 RANDLETT 1 None
1409 RANDOLPH 4 None, 1410 RANKIN 1 None, 1411 RANKINS 1 None
1412 RANSFORD 1 None, 1413 RAPP 2 1967 - 1989, 1414 RATES 1 None
1415 RAWLINS-ROLLINS 2 1717 - 1750, 1416 RAWSON 2 None, 1417 RAY 1 None
1418 RAYMOND 6 1879, 1419 READ 6 None, 1420 READ/READE 4 1608 - 1693
1421 READING 1 1836, 1422 REDINGTON 1 None, 1423 REDMAN 2 None
1424 REED 21 1762 - 1875, 1425 REEFS 1 None, 1426 REFUSE 1 None
1427 REGAN 2 None, 1428 REILLY 1 None, 1429 REMICK 1 None, 1430 REMILLARD 1 None
1431 RENZI 1 None, 1432 REX 1 None, 1433 REYNOLDS 15 1623 - 1916,
1434 REZIN 3 1972 - 2000, 1435 RHOADS 2 1749, 1436 RHODES 6 2, 1437 RICH 2 None
1438 RICHARD 2 None, 1439 RICHARDS 3 1620, 1440 RICHARDSON 6 1923,
1441 RICKARD 3 1654, 1442 RICKER 8 1849 - 1894, 1443 RIDEOUT 3 1752 - 1765
1444 RIDER 1 None, 1445 RIDLEY 3 None, 1446 RIDLON 2 None, 1447 RIEGER 1 None
1448 RIGGS 6 1631 - 1726, 1449 RILEY 1 None, 1450 RING 9 1691
1451 RIPLEY 3 1888, 1452 RITCHEY 3 1786 - 1865, 1453 ROACH 45 1710 - 1818
1454 ROBARD 1 None, 1455 ROBBINS 3 1830 - 1878, 1456 ROBERTS 60 1712 - 1967
1457 ROBERTS PARKER 1 None, 1458 ROBIE 1 None, 1459 ROBINETTE 1 None
1460 ROBINS 2 None, 1461 ROBINSON 8 1690 - 1957, 1462 ROBISON 23 1883 - 1943
1463 ROCKETT 1 None, 1464 ROCKHILL 1 None, 1465 RODERICK 1 1856,
1466 RODGERS 1 None, 1467 RODUCK 1 None, 1468 ROGERS 16 1681 - 1813
1469 ROLFE 4 1585 - 1758, 1470 ROLLINS 7 1772 - 1792, 1471 ROMAN 2 1888
1472 ROOKE 2 1581, 1473 ROSE 1 None, 1474 ROUNDS 2 None, 1475 ROUSE 1 None
1476 ROWELL 38 1841 - 2011, 1477 ROWLANDSON 5 1621, 1478 ROWLLES 1 None
1479 ROY 2 None, 1480 ROYALL 3 1729 - 1762, 1481 ROYSE 1 None, 1482 RUBY 2 1918
1483 RUETER 1 1921, 1484 RUGGLES 1 None, 1485 RUNERY 1 None, 1486 RUNLET 1 None
1487 RUNNELS 1 1776, 1488 RUSS 1 None, 1489 RUSSELL 3 1737 - 1765,
1490 RUSSO 1 None, 1491 RUST 1 None, 1492 RYERSON 2 None, 1493 SABEAN 1 None
1494 SABEAN- SABIN 73 1703 - 1928, 1495 SABIN 1 1856,
1496 SABINE- SABEAN- SABI~ 1 1919, 1497 SALWAY 2 1614, 1498 SAMMON 1 None
1499 SAMPSON 1 None, 1500 SANBORN 1 None, 1501 SANDBORN 1 None
1502 SANDERS 3 None, 1503 SANDERS/SAUNDERS 1 None, 1504 SANDS 1 None
1505 SANFORD OR STANF~ 1 1670, 1506 SANGER 2 1650, 1507 SANTIAGO 1 None
1509 SARGENT 17 1884 - 1895, 1510 SARTY 1 None, 1511 SAULNIER 15 1913 - 1927
1512 SAUNDERS 1 None, 1513 SAVERY 16 1748 - 1831, 1514 SAVOY 1 None
1515 SAWYER 39 1640 - 1846, 1516 SAYWARD 1 1661, 1517 SCALES 2 None
1518 SCAMMON 18 1674 - 1782, 1519 SCARBROOK 1 None, 1520 SCHAFFEY 1 None
1521 SCHOCH 10 1843 - 1891, 1522 SCHOFIELD 1 None, 1523 SCHOPPEE 1 None
1524 SCHUCK 1 1650, 1525 SCHULTS 1 None, 1526 SCHULZ 3 None, 1527 SCHURZ 1 None
1528 SCHWERDFEGER 1 1804, 1529 SCOFIELD 4 1502 - 1549, 1530 SCOTT 7 1790 - 1977
1531 SCRANTON 3 1930, 1532 SCRIPTURE 1 None, 1533 SCRUTON 1 None,
1534 SEAGLE 6 1826, 1535 SEALANDER 1 None, 1536 SEARLE 5 None, 1537 SEAY 6 1899
1538 SELBEE 1 None, 1539 SELDON 1 None, 1540 SENTER 1 None, 1541 SERIVEN 1 1658
1542 SERRANO 1 None, 1543 SERRANO PAEZ 1 None, 1544 SEVERANCE/AMBROSE 1 1652
1545 SEVIER 1 None, 1546 SEWELL 1 None, 1547 SEXTON 2 None,
1548 SHACKFORD 2 None, 1549 SHAKERLY 1 None, 1550 SHARP 8 1725 - 1964
1551 SHATSWELL 2 None, 1552 SHATTUCK 20 1621 - 1852, 1553 SHAW 82 1588 - 1944
1554 SHAWE 3 1508 - 1562, 1555 SHEAPHERD 1 None, 1556 SHEARER 1 None
1557 SHEDD 2 None, 1558 SHEFFIELD 2 1880, 1559 SHELBY 1 None, 1560 SHELLY 1 1870
1561 SHELTON 1 None, 1562 SHEPARD 2 None, 1563 SHERBURNE 1 None
1564 SHERIDAN 1 None, 1565 SHERMAN 3 1785 - 1847, 1566 SHERRARD 1 None
1567 SHERRILL 1 None, 1568 SHIELDS 1 1806, 1569 SHOEMAKER 1 None,
1570 SHOREY 1 None, 1571 SHRADER 1 None, 1572 SIMMONS 17 1631
1573 SIMONS 10 1643 - 1717, 1574 SIMONS-SIMMONS 8 1669
1575 SIMORTON 1 None, 1576 SIMPSON 15 1779 - 1868, 1577 SINCLAIR 1 1899
1578 SINER 1 None, 1579 SINGLETARY 1 None, 1580 SINNETT 25 1730 - 1871
1581 SIROIS 1 None, 1582 SKIDGEL 1 None, 1583 SKILLING 1 None
1584 SKILLINGS 16 1679 - 1763, 1585 SKINNER 1 None, 1586 SKOFELDE 1 1571
1587 SKOFIELD 1 1601, 1588 SKOFIELD/SKOLFIELD 1 None,
1589 SKOLFIELD 91 1639 - 1893, 1590 SKOLFIELD JR 1 1707, 1591 SKOWRONEK 1 1953
1592 SLAUGHTER 1 None, 1593 SLEEPER 1 None, 1594 SMALL 9 1702 - 1742
1595 SMALLEY 2 1613 - 1647, 1596 SMITH 45 1380 - 1892, 1597 SMITH BLAND 2 1610
1598 SMYTHE 3 None, 1599 SNELL 2 None, 1600 SNIDOW 1 None,
1601 SNOW 152 1530 - 1902, 1602 SNYDER 5 None, 1603 SOLOMON 3 None
1604 SOMERBY 1 None, 1605 SOMES 1 None, 1606 SONDHI 1 None
1607 SONGER 42 1727 - 1843, 1608 SORRELS 1 None, 1609 SOULE 4 1834
1610 SPARRY 1 None, 1611 SPAULDING 1 None, 1612 SPEAR 9 1760 - 1818
1613 SPEARS 2 1747, 1614 SPENCER 31 1353 - 1727, 1615 SPIGON 1 None, 1616 SPOFFORD 2 1600 - 1785, 1617 SPOLLETT 1 None, 1618 SPOONER 3 None
1619 SPOTSWOOD 1 None, 1620 SPRAGUE 6 1842, 1621 SPRINGER 1 None
1622 SPROUT 2 None, 1623 SPURR 1 None, 1624 ST JEAN 1 None
1625 STACY 3 1687, 1626 STAFFORD 3 None, 1627 STANDISH 2 None,
1628 STANFORD 5 1752, 1629 STANLEY 8 1678 - 1764, 1630 STANWOOD 40 1695 - 1916
1631 STAPLES 4 None, 1632 STAPP 4 1775, 1633 STARBIRD 2 None,
1634 STEPHENS 8 1771 - 1873, 1635 STEPTOE 1 None, 1636 STETSON 2 None
1637 STEVENS 16 1786 - 1791, 1638 STEVENSON 3 None, 1639 STEWART 4 1713 - 1764
1640 STEWART-STEWARD 1 1617, 1641 STICKNEY 1 None, 1642 STILES 2 1678
1643 STIMSON 1 None, 1644 STINSON 3 1736, 1645 STOCKMAN 2 None,
1646 STODDARD 1 None, 1647 STONE 12 1643 - 1698, 1648 STONER 1 None,
1649 STOREY 2 None, 1650 STOREY/STORY 1 1798, 1651 STORY 2 None
1652 STOVER 9 1825 - 1852, 1653 STRAMOVICH 1 None, 1654 STRATTON 1 None
1655 STREAM OF THE PO~ 1 1474, 1656 STRICKLAND 1 1680, 1657 STRICKLEY 1 None
1658 STROUT 280 1655 - 1929, 1659 STROWTE 2 1509 - 1600,
1660 STROWTE/STROUD 1 1549, 1661 STRZESIEWSKI 1 None, 1662 STUART 1 None
1663 STUBBS 2 None, 1664 STUCKEY 1 None, 1665 STURDIVANT 2 1905,
1666 STURGIS 1 None, 1667 STURTEVANT 2 1791, 1668 SUERO 1 None,
1669 SULLIVAN 2 1876, 1670 SUMNER 1 None, 1671 SUOMI 4 None, 1672 SUTPHIN 2 1914
1673 SUTTON 1 None, 1674 SWADDOCK 1 1678, 1675 SWAINE 1 None,
1676 SWAN 27 1600 - 1653, 1677 SWASEY 1 None, 1678 SWAYNE 2 None,
1679 SWEENEY 1 None, 1680 SWELL 1 None, 1681 SWETT 27 1590 - 1807
1682 SWIFT 1 None
1683 SWITZER 1 1991, 1684 SYLES 1 None, 1685 SYLVAIN 2 1989, 1686 SYLVESTER 1 None
1687 SYMONDS 1 1680, 1688 TAPLEY 1 None, 1689 TAPLIN 1 1877, 1690 TAPPAN 3 None
1691 TARBOX 8 1743 - 1965, 1692 TARR 3 None, 1693 TARRALLO 1 None,
1694 TAYLOR 13 1646 - 1960, 1695 TEAL 1 1759, 1696 TENNEY 1 None, 1697 TERRY 2 None
1698 TETHERLEY 2 None, 1699 TEWKSBURY 1 1666,
1700 TEWKSBURY/TUXBURY 8 1621 - 1674, 1701 THAYER 1 None,
1702 THAYER-TAYER 1 None, 1703 THELLWELL 1 None, 1704 THERIAULT 1 None
1705 THIBAUD 1 None, 1706 THIBAULT 7 1857 - 1900, 1707 THOMAS 8 1701
1708 THOMAS/WILKERSON 1 1837, 1709 THOMBS 1 None, 1710 THOMPSON 16 1580 - 1785
1711 THORN 3 1718, 1712 THORNDIKE 2 1697 - 1721, 1713 THORNELL 2 None
1714 THORNTON 8 1739 - 1747, 1715 THRASHER 1 1781, 1716 THREEDER 1 None
1717 THURBER 1 None, 1718 THURMAN 1 None, 1719 THUT 4 None, 1720 TIBBETTS 5 None
1721 TILSON 2 None, 1722 TILTON 2 1814, 1723 TIRADO 1 None, 1724 TITCOMB 2 None
1725 TITUS 10 1822 - 1920, 1726 TOBY 3 None, 1727 TODD 4 1822 - 1854,
1728 TOLSON 10 1847 - 1910, 1729 TOOTHAKER 37 1747 - 1879, 1730 TORRES 4 1943
1731 TORREY 1 1811, 1732 TOTMAN 5 1755 - 1852, 1733 TOWLE 1 None,
1734 TOWNELY 1 1614, 1735 TOWNSEND 10 1808 - 1871, 1736 TOZER 1 1846
1737 TOZIER 1 None, 1738 TRACY 58 1646 - 1909, 1739 TRAFTON 16 1830 - 1899
1740 TRAINER 1 None
1741 TRASK 1 None, 1742 TREAT 1 None, 1743 TREWORGYE 1 None
1744 TRICKERY 1 None, 1745 TRICKEY 1 None, 1746 TRIGG 4 1883 - 1910,
1747 TRIPP 3 1845, 1748 TRISTRAM 1 None, 1749 TRUE 6 1690 - 1769
1750 TRUMAN 1 1857, 1751 TRUMBULL 1 None, 1752 TUCKER 3 None
1753 TUFTS 4 1879 - 1891, 1754 TUKEY 1 None, 1755 TULEY 8 None
1756 TURNER 7 1834 - 1960, 1757 TURPIN 7 1831 - 1860, 1758 TUTTLE 11 1762 - 1846
1759 TWIGDEN 2 None, 1760 TWITCHELL 12 1798 - 1833, 1761 TYBBOT 1 None
1762 TYLER 2 None, 1763 UNDERWOOD 3 1714, 1764 VALENTIN 5 1953 - 1989
1765 VANTREASE 1 None, 1766 VARNUM 1 None, 1767 VEGA 1 None
1768 VEINOT 7 1850 - 1910, 1769 VENABLE 32 1661 - 1804
1770 VERY 2 None, 1771 VINAL 1 None, 1772 VINING 3 1779, 1773 VOGEL 2 1982
1774 VORAN 1 1943, 1775 WADDELL 1 None, 1776 WADE 3 None, 1777 WADLEY 1 None
1778 WAGG 1 None, 1779 WAINWRIGHT 1 None, 1780 WAKEBAN 1 None
1781 WAKEFIELD 3 1867 - 1914, 1782 WALDEN 1 1620, 1783 WALEBER 1 None
1784 WALKER 19 1765 - 1889, 1785 WALKER ( BROWN) 2 1662 - 1715,
1786 WALLACE 2 None, 1787 WALLES 1 None, 1788 WALLIS 2 1662 - 1695
1789 WALTEN/WALTON 1 None, 1790 WALTON 5 1767 - 1923
1791 WANIE 2 1866 - 1898, 1792 WARD 27 1708 - 1991, 1793 WARDWELL 1 None
1794 WARDZIK 1 None, 1795 WARE 1 None, 1796 WARNER 6 1611 - 1672
1797 WARREN 17 1804 - 1834, 1798 WARWICK 1 None
1799 WASGATT 3 None, 1800 WASHBURN 1 None, 1801 WASHINGTON 27 1602 - 1749
1802 WASSERMAN 1 None, 1803 WATERMAN 1 1798, 1804 WATERS 1 1921
1805 WATKINS 2 None, 1806 WATLINGTON 3 None, 1807 WATSON 16 1741 - 1929
1808 WAUGH 3 2002, 1809 WEARE 1 None, 1810 WEAVER 21 1850 - 1893,
1811 WEBB 3 None, 1812 WEBBER 18 1685 - 1834, 1813 WEBSTER 7 1596 - 1782
1814 WEDGE 1 None, 1815 WEED 2 1810, 1816 WEEKS 6 1600, 1817 WEEMAN 1 1788
1818 WEIR 2 1892, 1819 WELCH 6 1766 - 1879, 1820 WELCH /WELSH 1 1766
1821 WELCOME 1 None, 1822 WELD 2 1590 - 1615, 1823 WELLS 3 1688
1824 WELSE 1 None, 1825 WELSH 1 None, 1826 WENTWORTH 14 1565 - 1782
1827 WESCOTT 1 1863, 1828 WESSLEY 1 1960, 1829 WESSON 1 None
1830 WEST 40 1540 - 1943, 1831 WESTBYE 1 1522, 1832 WESTCOTT 8 1700 - 1795
1833 WESTERMAN 1 1997, 1834 WESTON 5 1723 - 1777, 1835 WETHERBY 1 None
1836 WEYMOUTH 4 1664 - 1731, 1837 WHEDAN 3 None, 1838 WHEELER 4 1634 - 1677
1839 WHEELWRIGHT 1 None, 1840 WHELDEN 1 None, 1841 WHELPLEY 2 1830
1842 WHIPPLE 2 1871, 1843 WHITAKER 29 1632 - 1750, 1844 WHITE 30 1797 - 1967
1845 WHITEHEADE 1 None, 1846 WHITEHOUSE 2 None, 1847 WHITESIDE 2 None
1848 WHITGIFT 1 None, 1849 WHITHAM 1 None, 1850 WHITING 4 1650 - 1700
1851 WHITLEY 2 None, 1852 WHITMAN 3 None, 1853 WHITMARSH 13 1624 - 1676
1854 WHITMORE 37 1658 - 1848, 1855 WHITNEY 327 1621 - 1922,
1856 WHITTEMORE 2 1839
1857 WHITTEN 2 None, 1858 WHITTIER 1 None, 1859 WHITTLE 1 None,
1860 WHITWORTH 1 None, 1861 WICKHAM 1 None, 1862 WIGGIN 1 1805
1863 WIGGINS 1 None, 1864 WIGHT 3 1915 - 1967, 1865 WILBUR 2 None
1866 WILCOX 1 None, 1867 WILHELM 4 1625 - 1714, 1868 WILKERSON 1 None
1869 WILKINSON 1 None, 1870 WILLEY 1 None, 1871 WILLHOUSE 1 None
1872 WILLIAMS 90 1697 - 1941, 1873 WILLIAMSON 3 None, 1874 WILLIS 17 1650 - 1957
1875 WILLNEFF 1 None, 1876 WILLOUGHBY 2 None, 1877 WILSON 92 1618 - 1916
1878 WINANUSKE 2 1557 - 1564, 1879 WINCH 1 None, 1880 WINDEBANK 2 None
1881 WING 1 None, 1882 WINGFIELD 9 1844 - 1882, 1883 WINGS 1 None, 1884 WINN 2 None
1885 WINSHIP 2 1916, 1886 WINSLEY 1 None, 1887 WINSLOW 2 None,
1888 WINTER 7 1828 - 1914, 1889 WISWALL 1 None, 1890 WITHAM 3 1846 - 1878
1891 WITHEE 4 1809 - 1872, 1892 WOOD 12 1774 - 1792, 1893 WOODBURY 7 1696 - 1700
1894 WOODMAN 17 1606 - 1717, 1895 WOODS 3 None, 1896 WOODSIDE 1 None
1897 WOODSON 2 None, 1898 WOODSUM 1 None, 1899 WOODWARD 1 None
1900 WOOLRIDGE 1 None, 1901 WORCESTER 2 1603, 1902 WORKMAN 1 None
1903 WORMWOOD 5 1877, 1904 WORSTER 1 1668, 1905 WRIGHT 23 1670 - 1885
1906 WYANT 1 None, 1907 WYER 3 1716 - 1754, 1908 WYMAN 6 1705
1909 YARDSLEY 1 None, 1910 YENTER 1 1954, 1911 YORK 4 1724 - 1728
1912 YOUNG 39 1598 - 1750,1913 YULLIE 1 None 1914 ZIMMER 2 1954
1915 ZIMMERMAN 1 None, 1916 ZUFELT 1 1824, 1917 ZUFELT -SCHUFELT/Z~ 1 1797

Monday, October 31, 2011


I hope everyone has survived the Halloween Northeaster of 2011 . We lost power and heat  for 2 days. Many tree limbs have come down.

Anyway, since I am still sick, I haven't been doing much sewing, etc. I have lost more of my hearing due to an ear infection ( 1st in decades.) and I am starting to lose my voice ( which I seem to do every year in the fall/ winter since I was little).   

 But here is a tidbit of winter organizing.

If you have a lot of scarves and no place to to actually put them, here is an idea I tried this year. I put curtain rod fixtures on the top of the  doorway opening to my laundry room area and hung up a curtain rod . I hung the scarves over the rod. Now anyone can see a scarf or hang one up to dry.

Until next time,


Thursday, October 27, 2011


The Super Why costume I made didn't fit well over my grandson's clothes. Using scraps of fabric,  I quickly made an over the head Sponge Bob costume.

It has a front and back which are joined by shoulder straps. It fits over any clothes even bulky coats.

Happy Halloween!

Until next time,


Saturday, October 22, 2011



Santa Claus seems to be the only one who may or may not wrap presents, but everyone else , to my knowledge, wraps their presents to give out.

Wrapping paper can be expensive. There are ways to wrap without the expense.

1. Freecycle   Some people give away wrapping paper right after the holidays or , in my friend's case, moving. She didn't want the paper. I took it.

2. Use newspaper or the comics.

3. Use old magazines or junk mail.

4. Use wallpaper. 

5. Use recycled paper even paper bags.

6. Have children draw on paper. Use their handmade wrapping paper.

7. Sew a tote bag and use that as a gift bag.

8. Can't sew? Use a pillowcase.

9. Use a box from a super market. Decorate it.

10. Use super market plastic bags. One year I gave everyone on my list  their gifts in those bags.

11. Got branches in your yard? Tie some together to make a box. 

12. Use an empty juice box like Capri Sun or a cereal box. Last year I used red and white striped wallpaper to cover the large juice boxes. They came out so good. I kept one to store all my rulers in.

13. Cigar boxes , if you still smoke. A few years ago I did smoke cigars.( Surprised?)  I don't smoke anymore. I kept the boxes for myself.

14. Piece of fabric tied with a bow.

15. Knit a bag or wrap the gift entirely in yarn.

16. Knit a plastic bag with  strips of supermarket plastic bags. Makes a sturdy bag.

So as you see wrapping doesn't have to be expensive. You can save money this way.

Hope you enjoyed these helpful holiday hints.

Until next time. 



Santa Claus seems to be the only one who may or may not wrap presents, but everyone else , to my knowledge, wraps their presents to give out.

Wrapping paper can be expensive. There are ways to wrap without the expense.

1. Freecycle   Some people give away wrapping paper right after the holidays or , in my friend's case, moving. She didn't want the paper. I took it.

2. Use newspaper or the comics.

3. Use old magazines or junk mail.

4. Use wallpaper. 

5. Use recycled paper even paper bags.

6. Have children draw on paper. Use their handmade wrapping paper.

7. Sew a tote bag and use that as a gift bag.

8. Can't sew? Use a pillowcase.

9. Use a box from a super market. Decorate it.

10. Use super market plastic bags. One year I gave everyone on my list  their gifts in those bags.

11. Got branches in your yard? Tie some together to make a box. 

12. Use an empty juice box like Capri Sun or a cereal box. Last year I used red and white striped wallpaper to cover the large juice boxes. They came out so good. I kept one to store all my rulers in.

13. Cigar boxes , if you still smoke. A few years ago I did smoke cigars.( Surprised?)  I don't smoke anymore. I kept the boxes for myself.

14. Piece of fabric tied with a bow.

15. Knit a bag or wrap the gift entirely in yarn.

16. Knit a plastic bag with  strips of supermarket plastic bags. Makes a sturdy bag.

So as you see wrapping doesn't have to be expensive. You can save money this way.

Hope you enjoyed these helpful holiday hints.

Until next time. 


Monday, October 17, 2011



Two nights in a row ago I dreamt of wind chimes made of keys. So I decided to make some. I thought about using my many decades old collection of old keys , but decided to look at yard sales and the flea market first. One lady have some very old, old keys in a tin kidney shaped container. She said the container was from the First War- assumingly WWI. It looks like it would have been able to be attached to a belt buckle or something. Valuable?? The keys had some odd shapes. One mandolin shaped key. Skeleton keys, lock keys, house keys, and a few keys to wind up the old toys. I'll use these old keys to make a wind chime to hang in my office. Or maybe I will try to sell some or sell a wind chime.

I also bought an old tin which I was told was used during the First War. Don't know if fact or fiction.

Here are some pics of the old keys. Here's also pics of the tin.

Until next time,


THE HOLIDAYS cont'd by Lois Valentin

THE HOLIDAYS  cont'd by Lois Valentin
As promised here is # 3  of  my holidays ideas and such. 

Here are ideas for two games . I made these with parents of my students when I taught preschool decades ago. The first is a matching game. The second is a memory game like concentration. Both use materials you probably have in the house. These are mostly made from re-purposed and recycled materials. 

Materials needed for each game  ( same for both games): 
2 empty cereal boxes
2 newspaper flyers that are the same. Could be food, clothing, furniture. or even holiday themed . Just have to be the same.
glue or tape
pen, pencil or marker


1. Cut out 2 large rectangles -same size from the cereal box. Front and back would do.
2  Mark both pieces equally into squares or rectangles.
3 Draw lines .  
4 Cut 1 piece of rectangle into pieces that you just marked while leaving the other piece whole.

 The whole one will be your game board. The cut one will be your game pieces.

With the newspaper flyers find two pictures the same. 
6 Cut both out. 
7 Glue or tape one picture to the game board and one to the game piece.
 Continue until finished.


Using the same materials follow steps 1 - 3 from the matching game.
4. Cut out both pieces of cardboard. These will all be your game pieces. 
5. Glue or tape each picture on the square or triangle pieces- making sure you have two of the same.
This is your memory game. 

Playing these will also teach the parent or child language skills. 

#4 will be soon.

Until next time.


Monday, October 3, 2011

CUFFS Made by Lois Valentin

CUFFS Made by Lois Valentin

In rearranging 'my office' , I came across a container of cuffs I made a few years ago. Thought I'd post them.
The cuffs have elastic that goes around a  person's wrist.  I made them in the hopes of selling them to make money. No such luck . My camera was ghosty.

Hope you enjoy them.
Until next time,

Friday, September 30, 2011

Spooky, my cat

Here is a pic of Spooky who I have mentioned a few times.

THE HOLIDAYS by Lois Valentin republished from 2011

THE HOLIDAYS by Lois  Valentin     Originally published 30 Sept., 2011.

For most people, this time of the year is Halloween. I have memories of Halloween. Decades ago when my children were small, I made some of their costumes. There were  frog, candle bar, spider, clowns, etc I also made my own costumes to dress up and walk around with them. I was either a clown or my favorite- a gorilla.

Now my extent of Halloween is to try and make some extra money by sewing costumes. This has been very rare lately.

Thanksgiving used to be driving with my children and whoever else wanted to come along a distance of 70 miles to my mother's. 

When I was President of a local low income tenant council for 8+ years, I would get donations to supply about 50-100 families with complete turkey dinners. I did that for Christmas , too.  The last year, I decided to end that after some of the people actually chased me for a turkey, etc. 

Then as my children became adults, I would go to my son's. Now I stay home, while everyone else goes elsewhere. Quiet at last!

My favorite holiday is Christmas- both religious and commercial. When I went to church, I would sometimes help with the Christmas pageant by organizing or sewing the costumes.

As a child my Christmas's had their ups and downs.

Aprox. 1960 I had my tonsils out in Dec. I caught whooping cough while at the hospital so I was told. I was so sick. Dec - Feb I was out of school. I went back for 1 day , became sicker in school and had to stay out another month. The doc made numerous house calls to give me medicine. I overheard him say to my mom that there was nothing more he could do. 
But that Christmas I received a letter from Santa Claus saying he would get me a toy dog Gaylord, a walking basset hound.after Christmas.  He did. I proudly walked that dog . I also had kept that letter for the longest time.

When my children were small I enjoyed Santa's visits as much as they did. , We marched in parades. We made things for the neighbors. Once, when I was working ,  I bought a pool table off my brother by selling stuffed Christmas decorations I made to my colleagues at work.

We also drove the distance to my moms. One time I dressed up at Santa Claus in a suit that I made  and drove the 70 miles just to knock on her door as well as visit her neighbors. Throughout the years I also visited nursing homes in my Santa suit with gifts that were pre-supplied by nursing home staff. 

When my children got older, I made quilts as gifts. Now life is different. Being a great grandmother on a super fixed income  vs. health issues vs. the economy vs the wants vs the needs is a major part of my life. Probably many people are in the same boat.  But this year, I  have decided to help myself get through Christmas despite the obstacles.

I will be sharing with you some of my creative works and ideas. I am hoping to post daily .  Until Christmas I will be blogging with creative things made from recycled materials. Here is the start of  some of my ideas.

1. Make a list of people. I created a database using spread sheet. Columns are name, wants, got, wrapped yes or no and location of gift after wrapping.  I added the last two columns this year as I got tired of trying to remember where I put everything.  I often forgot where I put things.

2. Handmade coupons with or without expiration dates are great.  My children used to make these for me for errands, chores, etc. One time I kept a coupon in my wallet for many years. I finally cashed it in. Much to the chagrin of my teenager almost adult who balked at it but as I pointed out- there was no expiration date written in so it was still good.

# 3 will come in a later post. I wonder how many ideas I can come up with to take us to Christmas.

Until next time.
