Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Homework ! Yes, theirs and mine. 

During the day my grandchildren  are at school . I have but a few hours to research genealogy  , sew or write or whatever comes along like laundry. I keep an eye and ear out for my grandbaby as they are no longer here to be with him. Whereas before he was with them most of the day, now he is hardly with them. School , after school activities, mandatory after school activities , and homework create a whole new time schedule and gas usage ie transportation.

 My grandchildren range from 1 yr - 11 yrs with my great grandchild in between.
 Learning needs goes from learning to speak and recognize letters and numbers  to complex math  to the world and beyond. What? There's life beyond their video games? 

I am an email away from my grandchildren who do not live close by. They also might need help with homework.  Here I have set up an art area/homework center in a corner of my office.  It's pretty quiet and away from their computer or tv. 

Besides the hallway of learning where I posted learning charts, I have gathered my old books and supplies to help get through the year. I have to bone up on many things that I have tossed aside like division with fractions.  Now when was the last time I used that?

History I have lived through is now part of their history books. Geography has changed so many times with new countries, divided countries or countries no longer in existence.  Science is always changing.  After drilling it into my head for decades about planets, they now decide to  take one away.

Although I will be helping  them, they also will be reteaching me on the updated status of new fangled things in life. I am now into Facebook. Before , that meant I fell asleep while reading.

Now I have my own homework as I just finished writing a children's book. Illustrations come next. Followed by the trail to copyright and publishing. This I do in the middle of the night when no one needs my help.  Spooky helps by giving me a nudge  and playing Words With Friends at the same time keeps me focused. 

Now I just have to figure out how to use the old digital camera.

Until next time.


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