Sunday, October 12, 2014

THE HOLIDAYS by Lois Valentin This is an edited repost from 30 Sept. 2011

THE HOLIDAYS by Lois  Valentin    This is an edited  repost from 30 Sept. 2011   

For most people, this time of the year is Halloween. I have memories of Halloween. Decades ago when my children were small, I made some of their costumes. There were  frog, candle bar, spider, clowns, etc I also made my own costumes to dress up and walk around with them. I was either a clown or my favorite- a gorilla.

Now my extent of Halloween is to try and make some extra money by sewing costumes. This has been very rare lately.

Thanksgiving used to be driving with my children and whoever else wanted to come along a distance of 70 miles to my mother's. 

When I was President of a local low income tenant council for 8+ years, I would get donations to supply about 50-100 families with complete turkey dinners. I did that for Christmas , too.  The last year, I decided to end that after some of the people actually chased me for a turkey, etc. 

Then as my children became adults, I would go to my son's. Now I stay home, while everyone else goes elsewhere. Quiet at last!

My favorite holiday is Christmas- both religious and commercial. When I went to church, I would sometimes help with the Christmas pageant by organizing or sewing the costumes.

As a child my Christmas's had their ups and downs.

Aprox. 1960 I had my tonsils out in Dec. I caught whooping cough while at the hospital so I was told. I was so sick. Dec - Feb I was out of school. I went back for 1 day , became sicker in school and had to stay out another month. The doc made numerous house calls to give me medicine. I overheard him say to my mom that there was nothing more he could do. 
But that Christmas I received a letter from Santa Claus saying he would get me a toy dog Gaylord, a walking basset hound.after Christmas.  He did. I proudly walked that dog . I also had kept that letter for the longest time.

When my children were small I enjoyed Santa's visits as much as they did. , We marched in parades. We made things for the neighbors. Once, when I was working ,  I bought a pool table off my brother by selling stuffed Christmas decorations I made to my colleagues at work.

We also drove the distance to my moms. One time I dressed up at Santa Claus in a suit that I made  and drove the 70 miles just to knock on her door as well as visit her neighbors. Throughout the years I also visited nursing homes in my Santa suit with gifts that were pre-supplied by nursing home staff. 

When my children got older, I made quilts as gifts. Now life is different. Being a great grandmother on a super fixed income  vs. health issues vs. the economy vs the wants vs the needs is a major part of my life. Probably many people are in the same boat.  But this year, I  have decided to help myself get through Christmas despite the obstacles.

I will be sharing with you some of my creative works and ideas. I am hoping to post often .  Until Christmas I will be blogging with creative things made from recycled materials. Here is the start of  some of my ideas.

1. Make a list of people. I created a database using spread sheet. Columns are name, wants, got, wrapped yes or no and location of gift after wrapping.  I added the last two columns this year as I got tired of trying to remember where I put everything which I often forgot.

2. Handmade coupons with or without expiration dates are great.  My children used to make these for me for errands, chores, etc. One time I kept a coupon in my wallet for many years. I finally cashed it in. Much to the chagrin of my teenager almost adult who balked at it but as I pointed out- there was no expiration date written in so it was still good.

# 3 will come in a later post. I wonder how many ideas I can come up with to take us to Christmas.

Until next time.


Saturday, May 17, 2014


by Lois M. Valentin
I vowed that if I turned 60, then life would be different. I would have 365 days of making changes. That means at least 365 changes. But could multiple like rabbits to a much larger number.

A few days ago I turned 60. Never thought I would have made it this far. The OUIJA board  I played with many decades ago used to say I would croak at 16. WRONG! It's been a tough road all around but here I am.  I have overcome decades of  abuse of many kinds from many people; gun being held at my head;  car accidents, robberies, death, despair,  loss; etc. And yes, HERE I AM!!!!

I have a wonderful family despite the fact they piss me off at times. I have friends- both online and offline. Some are both. All are great. Some more than others. You know who you are. All are loved but in many different ways. 

May 15th  I did have the high risk surgery. Even up to the time of surgery my doc  talked about death possibilities.I would have been his 1st patient to die.   Proved him wrong. I am ALIVE! All my hernias that loved to poke out and play tug of war with me are repaired and now are sutured  in a mesh cage . For the first time in a very long time, I am in no pain. That's right! No pain from the surgery.  Whereas prior to surgery, I often would cry because of it. Even had to take morphine a few times at the ER.  After surgery I did not take any pain meds.  ( I did take tylenol when I got home because the ab binder does make my back uncomfortable. There is a big difference between uncomfortable now  and excruciating pain from prior to surgery. )

May 16th I left the hospital for home but prior to that  I reflected with a nurse that it was 60 years and 2 days   that I was in the maternity ward of the same hospital with my mom. I love and miss her.

Now it's time to move forward. Full speed ahead. Sometimes taking baby steps and sometimes much larger ones. The changes themselves could be small or could be drastic, but all will be of my choosing.  One thing is  all will be POSITIVE. I am so tired of NEGATIVE. Someone suggested it might be a control issue. Perhaps in a sense it is. I am tired of others controlling my life. Or taking away my own control. 

I do not like being used. I HATE being used . That does entails many aspects.  Past and present. Those users know who they are. I am not talking about games, but am talking about those that want to take away one's soul. 

With that being said, where to start. In one direction or in all directions? Somewhere in between?  Since I have no patience and hate procrastination, then choices must come soon.

Things I love to do and am great at:   I can sew up a storm when needed.  I can write even better. My creative thoughts are always on full steam and out of the box. Recycling, reusing and recreating are other things I am good at.  I love doing genealogy research- mine or others. It seems all are entwined with each other at times. 

I also dream a lot. Most people do. But mine seem to be creative.  Sometimes so much that I have to write them down. Sometimes  they are of the physical sense of objects being created, sometimes they are metaphysical , mythical aspects of love. Sometimes I do have nightmares that scare the bejeebies out of me. Some dreams  just take me out of this world. Hmmm!

Now it's time to get some of the dreams into reality. Now to forge ahead with the improvements.

Coming along for the ride?/??

Until next time.
